《美国建筑钢结构设计规范》最新版本为 ANSI/AISC 360-16,英文名字为Specificationfor Structural Steel Buildings。360-10版国内已经有翻译版发行。为使大家更好的理解360-16版本,特别翻译其中关键章节,不妥之处,敬请读者提出宝贵意见。
Thefollowing abbreviations appear in this Specification. The abbreviations arewritten out where they first appear within a Section.
ACI(American Concrete Institute) 美国混凝土协会
AHJ(authority having jurisdiction)有管辖权的当局
AISC(American Institute of Steel Construction)美国钢结构协会
AISI(American Iron and Steel Institute) 美国钢铁协会
ANSI(American National Standards Institute)美国国家标准协会
ASCE(American Society of Civil Engineers)美国土木工程师学会
ASD(allowable strength design)容许应力设计
ASME(American Society of Mechanical Engineers)美国机械工程师学会
ASNT(American Society for Nondestructive Testing)美国无损检测协会
AWI(associate welding inspector)副焊接检验员
AWS(American Welding Society)美国焊接学会
CJP(complete joint penetration)全熔透焊接
CVN(Charpy V-notch) 夏比V型缺口
EOR(engineer of record) 记录工程师
ERW(electric resistance welded) 电阻焊
FCAW(flux cored arc welding) 药芯焊丝电弧焊
FR(fully restrained)完全约束
GMAW(gas metal arc welding)气体保护焊
HSLA(high-strength low-alloy)高强度低合金钢
HSS(hollow structural section)钢管截面
LRFD(load and resistance factor design)荷载与抗力分项系数设计
MT(magnetic particle testing) 磁粉检测
NDT(nondestructive testing) 无损检测
OSHA(Occupational Safety and Health Administration) 职业安全与健康管理局
PJP(partial joint penetration) 部分熔透焊接
PQR(procedure qualification record) 工艺评定记录
PR(partially restrained) 部分约束
PT(penetrant testing) 渗透检测
QA(quality assurance) 质量保证
QAI(quality assurance inspector) 质量保证检查员
QAP(quality assurance plan) 质量保证计划
QC(quality control) 质量控制
QCI(quality control inspector) 质量控制检验员
QCP(quality control program) 质量控制程序
RCSC(Research Council on Structural Connections) 结构连接研究委员会
RT(radiographic testing) 射线检测
SAW(submerged arc welding)埋弧焊
SEI(Structural Engineering Institute)结构工程师学会
SFPE(Society of Fire Protection Engineers)消防工程师学会
SMAW(shielded metal arc welding)手工电弧焊
SWI(senior welding inspector)高级焊接检验员
UNC(Unified National Coarse)统一国家标准
UT(ultrasonic testing)超声波检测
WI(welding inspector)焊接检验员
WPQR(welder performance qualification records)焊接质量评定记录
WPS(welding procedure specification焊接工艺规范