特斯拉 CEO 马斯克在这封长篇的电子邮件中,还谈了他管理公司的方法论和价值观,其中有很多值得企业或老板们学习。
以下是 Elon Musk 邮件全文翻译:
首先,有不少值得庆祝的事。我们已经连续第三周实现产能突破 2000 辆/周。第一周是 2020 辆,第二周 2070 辆。刚刚过去这周我们生产了 2250 辆 Model 3,同时还有 2000 辆 Model S/X。
超级工厂今天开始、Fremont 工厂明天开始,将停产三到五天来实施一次复杂的产线升级。这能让 Model 3 的产能在下个月实现 3000-4000 辆 / 周。
五月底,我们还会进行一次产线升级,这足以解锁我们的产能在 6 月底实现 6000 辆 / 周。请注意,特斯拉所有部门、我们的供应商,都要在 6 月 30号之前,通过在 24 小时内产出 850 套零部件,来证明我们有能力实现 6000 辆 / 周产能。
为什么这个暴涨的产能目标是在 6 月实现 6000 辆 /周,而不是 5000 辆 /周?因为牵扯到内部外部生产的上万个零部件和工序,风险会被复杂的全球供应链体系放大。我们要留出冗余。
我们先建好一个能在6月底实现Model 3产能暴涨到 6000辆 /周的子系统,然后用几个月时间夯实基础,打造出一个可以稳定实现 6000辆/周产能的完整体系。
向 6000 辆 /周产能目标冲刺,还需要 Fremont 的 Model 3 生产实现每周 7 天每天 24 小时运行。为此我们需要在冲压、喷涂和总装线,都增加一个班次。所以请推荐你们认为符合特斯拉对才能、驱动力和可信赖度要求的人才。超级工厂和 Fremont 两家工厂,在未来几周会持续每周新入职员工约 400 人。
Model 3 的大多数设计工艺已经比世界上任何一款车都好,很快会变得更好。但这还不够。我们要继续提升,直到 Model 3 的制造精度比世界上任何一款车好 10 倍。我可没开玩笑。
我们的车在设计和制造要达到这样的准确度和精度——如果车主真的去测量自己 Model 3 的尺寸、车身面板间隙和面差,一旦他们的测量结果和配置表的数据不一样,唯一解释只能是他们的皮尺有问题。
下一步,我们将非常严格的管控费用支出。我已经让财务团队去核查我们在全球范围的任何一笔费用,不论金额大小。并且我们将会砍掉所有没有足够价值判断的开销。任何一笔超过 100 万美元的资金、其他支出,或未来 12 个月累计支出达到 100 万美元的项目,都应该被视为暂停,直到我明确批准为止。
–问题的主要来源是部门间沟通不畅。解决这个问题的方法是允许所有级别员工之间的信息自由流动。如果,不同部门之间想要完成什么工作,任何一个参与者要向他们的经理汇报,经理再向总监汇报,总监再向 VP 汇报,VP 再跟其他部门的 VP 沟通,这个 VP 再告诉总监,总监再告诉经理,经理再告诉某个真正做事的人,那么超级愚蠢的事就会发生。员工一定要可以直接对话,这样才能把事情做好。
–总的来说,用常识来指导你自己。如果在某些的情况下,陷在遵循公司的规章制度的框框内 显然是荒谬的,会被画到呆伯特漫画里,那么公司的规章制度就要修改。
▲特斯拉发布新型SUV车型 Model Y
In an email to employees today, Tesla CEO Elon Musk explained that the reason for the Model 3 production shutdown in Fremont and Gigafactory 1 is to prepare to increase production. Substantially.
Musk explained that Tesla is now shooting to more than double production of 6,000 units per week across all production processes and suppliers in order to achieve 5,000 units per week in June after accounting for a margin of error.
The move seems to be in response to the recent miss in Model 3 production targets and is very bold in a Musk sort of way.
Last quarter’s goal was 2,500 Model 3 units per week at the end of Q1, which they missed by under 500 units.
Now Tesla is aiming for 5,000 units per week at the end of Q2 and they seem to have adjusted their internal goals in order to achieve the 5,000 units target.
In the email, Musk also says they are focusing on quality as the quantities increase and now also on profit, which Musk now expects to hit in Q3 and Q4.
Here’s the email in full that Electrek obtained today:
Progress, Precision and Profit
Elon Musk
First, congratulations are in order! We have now completed our third full week of producing over 2000 Model 3 vehicles. The first week was 2020, the second was 2070 and we just completed 2250 last week, along with 2000 Model S/X vehicles.
This is more than double Tesla’s weekly production rate last year and an amazing feat in the face of many challenges! It is extremely rare for an automotive company to grow the production rate by over 100% from one year to the next. Moreover, there has simultaneously been a significant improvement in quality and build accuracy, which is reflected in positive owner feedback.
Starting today at Giga and tomorrow at Fremont, we will be stopping for three to five days to do a comprehensive set of upgrades. This should set us up for Model 3 production of 3000 to 4000 per week next month.
Another set of upgrades starting in late May should be enough to unlock production capacity of 6000 Model 3 vehicles per week by the end of June. Please note that all areas of Tesla and our suppliers will be required to demonstrate a Model 3 capacity of ~6000/week by building 850 sets of car parts in 24 hours no later than June 30th.
Any Tesla department or supplier that is unable to do this will need to have a very good explanation why not, along with a plan for fixing the problem and present that to me directly. If anyone needs help achieving this, please let me know as soon as possible. We are going to find a way or make a way to get there.
The reason that the burst-build target rate is 6000 and not 5000 per week in June is that we cannot have a number with no margin for error across thousands of internally and externally produced parts and processes, amplified by a complex global logistics chain. Actual production will move as fast as the least lucky and least well-executed part of the entire Tesla production/supply chain system.
By having a Model 3 subsystem burst-build requirement of 6k by the end of June, we will lay the groundwork for achieving a steady 6k/week across the whole Model 3 system a few months later.
As part of the drive towards 6k, all Model 3 production at Fremont will move to 24/7operations. This means that we will be adding another shift to general assembly, body and paint. Please refer anyone you know who you think meets the Tesla bar for talent, drive and trust. Between Fremont and Giga, Tesla will be adding about 400 people per week for several weeks.
Most of the design tolerances of the Model 3 are already better than any other car in the world. Soon, they will all be better. This is not enough. We will keep going until the Model 3 build precision is a factor of ten better than any other car in the world. I am not kidding.
Our car needs to be designed and built with such accuracy and precision that, if an owner measures dimensions, panel gaps and flushness, and their measurements don’t match the Model 3 specs, it just means that their measuring tape is wrong.
Some parts suppliers will be unwilling or unable to achieve this level of precision. I understand that this will be considered an unreasonable request by some. That’s ok, there are lots of other car companies with much lower standards. They just can’t work with Tesla.
A fair criticism leveled at Tesla by outside critics is that you’re not a real company unless you generate a profit, meaning simply that revenue exceeds costs. It didn’t make sense to do that until reaching economies of scale, but now we are there.
Going forward, we will be far more rigorous about expenditures. I have asked the Tesla finance team to comb through every expense worldwide, no matter how small, and cut everything that doesn’t have a strong value justification.
All capital or other expenditures above a million dollars, or where a set of related expenses may accumulate to a million dollars over the next 12 months, should be considered on hold until explicitly approved by me. If you are the manager responsible, please make sure you have a detailed, first principles understanding of the supplier quote, including every line item of parts & labor, before we meet.
I have been disappointed to discover how many contractor companies are interwoven throughout Tesla. Often, it is like a Russian nesting doll of contractor, subcontractor, sub-subcontractor, etc. before you finally find someone doing actual work. This means a lot of middle-managers adding cost but not doing anything obviously useful. Also, many contracts are essentially open time & materials, not fixed price and duration, which creates an incentive to turn molehills into mountains, as they never want to end the money train.
There is a very wide range of contractor performance, from excellent to worse than a drunken sloth. All contracting companies should consider the coming week to be a final opportunity to demonstrate excellence. Any that fail to meet the Tesla standard of excellence will have their contracts ended on Monday.
Btw, here are a few productivity recommendations:
– Excessive meetings are the blight of big companies and almost always get worse over time. Please get of all large meetings, unless you’re certain they are providing value to the whole audience, in which case keep them very short.
– Also get rid of frequent meetings, unless you are dealing with an extremely urgent matter. Meeting frequency should drop rapidly once the urgent matter is resolved.
– Walk out of a meeting or drop off a call as soon as it is obvious you aren’t adding value. It is not rude to leave, it is rude to make someone stay and waste their time.
– Don’t use acronyms or nonsense words for objects, software or processes at Tesla. In general, anything that requires an explanation inhibits communication. We don’t want people to have to memorize a glossary just to function at Tesla.
– Communication should travel via the shortest path necessary to get the job done, not through the “chain of command”. Any manager who attempts to enforce chain of command communication will soon find themselves working elsewhere.
– A major source of issues is poor communication between depts. The way to solve this is allow free flow of information between all levels. If, in order to get something done between depts, an individual contributor has to talk to their manager, who talks to a director, who talks to a VP, who talks to another VP, who talks to a director, who talks to a manager, who talks to someone doing the actual work, then super dumb things will happen. It must be ok for people to talk directly and just make the right thing happen.
– In general, always pick common sense as your guide. If following a “company rule” is obviously ridiculous in a particular situation, such that it would make for a great Dilbert cartoon, then the rule should change.
If there is something you think should be done to make Tesla execute better or allow you to look forward to coming to work more (same thing in the long term), please send a note to [redacted]
Thanks for being such a kickass team and accomplishing miracles every day. It matters. We are burning the midnight oil to burn the midnight oil.