作者:David Sommer/sbp
China’s first stress-ribbon bridge in Guangming
This edition of sbp –Structure Talks – focuses on the Guangming Stress-Ribbon Footbridge located along the newly revitalized Guangming OTC Trail close to the city of Shenzhen.
Guangming OTC Trail – Introduction 光明绿道简介
The trail revitalization is designed by the Shanghai office of the international landscape design firm – SWA Group. With its grand landscape views, Guangming Trail is both a green, healthy slow circulation system in an urban area, and an example of innovation and sustainability. The trail’s topography changes as it progresses through the mountains, valleys, hills and farms. By considering vegetation, habitats, hydrology and topography, sites with high value and potential were selected to be major design nodes.
▲illustration: Guangming OTC Trail – layout 光明小镇规划总平面图–picture copyright: SWA Group / David Lloyd
Three Bridge objects have been placed by the landscape designers at very specific locations along the trail, allowing the visitors to interact and experience the exquisite natural surroundings. Based on early concepts by the architects, the bridges have then been developed and engineered by sbp Shanghai office in close collaboration with the architects. Particularly the stress-ribbon footbridge is an alternative proposal designed by sbp Shanghai office, which perfectly fits to the site location and harmonically merges with the mountainous surroundings.
▲illustration: Floating Bridge 浮桥 –picture copyright: SWA Group / David Lloyd
▲illustration: Floating Bridge 浮桥–picture copyright: SWA Group / David Lloyd
▲illustration: Discovery Bridge 探桥–picture copyright: SWA Group / David Lloyd
▲illustration: Discovery Bridge 探桥 –picture copyright: SWA Group / David Lloyd
1Guangming Stress-Ribbon Bridge 光明三桥之悬桥
1.1 Overall Composition: 整体构成
The bridge is connecting the main footpath with a secondary footpath located at the other side of a 30m deep valley. The landing zone across the valley is placed on a sharp mountain top with strong – almost jungle-like – vegetation. The bridge has an overall length of about 100m. Our design intention is to build a footbridge with a very small impact on the mountainous surroundings, which perfectly blends with nature. The natural surrounding before the bridge construction is shown hereafter.
▲illustration:Stress-ribbon bridge site location before construction 悬桥建造前的场地位置– picture copyright: schlaich bergermann partner / David Sommer
Due to its simplicity, stress-ribbon bridges are forming the most minimalist structuralsystem for footbridges existing.
Less is not possible: Walkway and load-bearing structure are one and the same element.
The bridge is designed as 2-span system with a main span of 65m and a side span of 25m.The 2-span system is achieved by placing an inclined column at the footpath side, which is efficiently reducing the overall span length of the bridge and allows to better control maximum slopes of the bridge deck. In addition, the inclined column generates a balcony-like high point of the bridge, providing interesting views over the valley.
Two stress-ribbons made of Q690 high-strength steel are forming the main structural elements of the bridge, transferring the different loadings of the bridge to strong abutments mainly by tensional normal-forces. The stress-ribbons have a shear-resistant connection with the inclined steel column. Precast concrete elements with a thickness of 120mm are placed on the stress-ribbons, forming the walkway surface of the bridge. The railing is designed as transparent cable-net railing made of stainless steel. The railing is connected to embedded steel elements in the precast concrete panels.
▲illustration: 3D-Model of bridge design and surrounding landscape 桥梁和周边地貌的三维模型– picture copyright: schlaich bergermann partner
▲illustration: Bridge Elevation 桥梁立面– picture copyright: schlaich bergermann partner
▲illustration: Bridge Section (regular) 桥梁标准横截面– picture copyright: schlaich bergermann partner
1.2 Structural System / Force Flow: 结构体系/力的传导
The main structural elements of the bridge are the two stress-ribbons, which are mainly transferring tensional normal-forces to the side abutments. As the inclined column is a compression column, the tension forces in the main span are always smaller than the tension forces in the side span. The side abutments are sitting on large pile foundations, which are transferring the tension forces of the stress-ribbons into the existing ground. A coupling beam hidden undergroundis balancing out the horizontal forces of the inclined column, so only vertical forces are transferred into the ground at the intermediate support. The overall force flow of the bridge is visualized in the image below.
▲illustration:Force Flow in structural system 桥梁结构的受力简图– picture copyright: schlaich bergermann partner
The tension forces in the stress-ribbon are mainly depended on the sag height of the chosen hanging curve. The larger the sag – the smaller the force. At the same time, the sag height also defines the maximum slope in the bridge deck. The geometrical definition of the hanging curve needs to be carefully studied to find the right balance of forces in the system and serviceability of the bridge.
▲illustration:Tension Force / Bending-Moment in Stress-Ribbon 钢板带中所产生拉力和附加弯矩– picture copyright: schlaich bergermann partner
Besides the tension-forces, there are also bending-moments occurring in the stress-ribbon. The bending-moment in the stress-ribbon is depended on the curvature radius and the thickness of the cross-section. The smaller the radius – the larger the bending-moment. In main span and side span, the curvature radius is almost infinite, so the resulting bending-moments are negligible. At the redirection points of the bridge (side abutments and high point at inclined column), the curvature radius needs to be carefully studied so that resulting van-mises stresses in the stress-ribbon and overall geometry are in harmony. The chosen redirection radii of the bridge are shown hereafter.
▲illustration:Redirection Radii of Bridge Structure 结构弧线反弯点处的半径– picture copyright: schlaich bergermann partner
The structural analysis of the bridge structure has mainly been done by simple handcalculations based on the equations presented before. A 3D finite-element model has afterwards been generated to get a better understanding of occurring deflections and dynamic behavior of the bridge structure. The deflections of the bridge play a significant role as they are defining the geometrical layout of the redirection supports.
Stress-ribbon bridges are very active and soft bridges by nature. That is why this bridge type should mainly be built in natural surroundings, where pedestrians are already prepared for movement and adventure. The low eigenfrequency of the bridge system can be controlled by adding additional mass to the bridge system. This is best achieved by using heavy precast concrete panels as upper walkway structure. Still the eigenfrequencies are very low, but the overall mass installed in the bridge structure, makes it hard for single pedestrians to dynamically activate the bridge system.
▲illustration: FEM-Model of Bridge Structure 桥梁结构的有限元模型– picture copyright: schlaich bergermann partner
▲illustration: Maximum Normal-Forces in Stress-Ribbon 一根悬带的最大轴拉力– picture copyright: schlaich bergermann partner
▲illustration: Maximum Deflections of Bridge Structure 桥梁在活荷载作用下最大的竖向变形– picture copyright: schlaich bergermann partner
▲illustration: Dynamic Eigenmodes of Bridge Structure 桥梁的动力特性– picture copyright: schlaich bergermann partner
1.3 Wind Tunnel Test 风洞实验
A wind tunnel test of the bridge was performed by Zhejiang University toget a better understanding of the structural response by different wind load scenarios. For bridges with such low Eigenfrequencies it is very important to certainly exclude the possibility of dynamic activation by wind loads. The result of the wind tunnel test shows that due to the slenderness of the bridge deck dynamic activation is not happening until a wind speed of about 50.8m/s.
– picture copyright: schlaich bergermann partner
1.4 Bridge Construction: 施工
The site location of the stress-ribbon bridge has very limited accessibility. No heavy machinery could be used to install the stress-ribbons in one single piece. Therefore, the bridge structure was put together out of many smaller pieces, which could betransported to site by smaller trucks. A large scaffolding has been installed to install the stress-ribbons in the correct hanging curve geometry. The scaffolding has then been released and the stress-ribbons loaded with its tension forces. The precast concrete panels have been installed afterwards. And in a final step the bridge equipment like railing, lighting, etc. has been installed.
▲illustration: Construction Sequence of Bridge 桥梁的施工步骤– picture copyright: schlaich bergermann partner
▲illustration: Construction of Bridge on Scaffolding 搭设临时支架和临时通道 – picture copyright: schlaich bergermann partner
1.5 Steel Ribbon Materiality: 悬带材料
The two stress-ribbons are the most important elements of the bridge structure. To keep them compact and slender in thickness; Q690D high-strength steel has beenchosen as structural material for the stress-ribbons. The cross-section dimensions of each ribbon are 750mm*40mm. The stress-ribbons has been delivered to site in smaller pieces, which have been welded together on site. It is the first time that Q690D high-strength steel has been welded on site in China.
▲Copyright: schlaich bergermann partner
Summary / Conclusion: 总结
Guangming Bridge is the first stress-ribbon bridge (using steel ribbons) in China. Despite the remote site location, the execution quality of the steel structure reaches a very high level. The finalized bridge is effortlessly floating above the mountainous surroundings. It is a bridge design which pays the highest respect to existing nature.
The foundation for Guangming stress-ribbon bridge has been laid by the careful selection of the site location by the landscape architects, who have an incredibly good feeling and knowledge for bridge objects in natural surroundings. In addition, the strong will of the client, the local design institute and the contractor – was very important to be able to build such advanced and pioneering bridge structure in China. On multiple planning meetings and site visits, we could feel the high satisfaction of all parties involved, to build something innovative and outstanding.
And how to answer the question: “Is our design a good design”? At the end this question will be answered by the pedestrians walking along Guangming OTC Trail and crossing towards the other side of the valley by our stress-ribbon bridge.
But what we can say for sure is that – Guangming stress-ribbon bridge is as little design as possible – and based on our design understanding – this is always the best design you can come up with.
Bridge information
span: 25m(side span)+ 65m(mainspan)
structure form: stress-ribbon bridge
landscape design: SWA Group
bridge design: schlaich bergermann partner (sbp)
client: Construction Affairs Bureau of Guangming District of Shenzhen City
EPC contractor:China ConstructionThird Engineering Bureau CO., LTD
photos of bridge / 桥梁实景照片:
copyright of all photos below/ 以下所有照片版权©schlaich bergermann partner / David Sommer
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