
首页 钢结构-公众号 【钢结构·技术】看万分之一的施工精度是如何实现的







Antonio Gaudi, an architect, once said: “The straight line belongs to Man. The curved line belongs to God.” Compared with straight line system, a curve system also means substantial difference in terms of difficulty in structure design and constructing. Efficient spoke-wheel roof system, visually enjoyable pedestrian bridges, flexible free-form monocoque, etc, all of these systems reflect human’s pursuit of beauty of the curve.

▲ 慕尼黑奥林匹克体育场 © sbp/Michael Zimmermann


Today, we already have a relatively sound theory in complicated structure design, however, to finally realize the design with satisfying effect depends on reliable constructing technology and effective control during constructing.

基于之前几期介绍的轮辐式结构体系,本期 StructureTalks 特别邀请钢结构加工与精度控制方法的专家林美坤,通过一问一答的方式来一起探讨:“如何在各种复杂条件下从施工控制的角度来确保最后结构能达到设计的要求。”

Based on our previous introduction about spoke-wheel system, this time, we invited Meikun (Peter) Lin to discuss “How we can ensure, under various boundary conditions, the final realization meet the requirement of structure design, especially from the perspective of construction technology.”



主要项目经验:卡塔尔foundation体育场(2022年卡塔尔世界杯体育场)、Al Rayyan体育场(2022年卡塔尔世界杯体育场)、Johnson Street大桥、印度亚姆纳大桥

Meikun (Peter) Lin,a technically proficient geometry control expert, with 8 years of experience in allphases of steel structure construction. His expertise includes specialized construction methodology for large and complex steel component fabrication/precise machining, complex trial assembly and site erection solutions.

Specialty: Geometry control, Structure Positioning

Project reference: Foundation Stadium (2022 world cupstadium); Al Rayyan Stadium (2022 world cup stadium); Johnson Street Bridge.

▲ 苏州奥林匹克体育中心 © sbp


Generally, after series of structure form finding and optimization the designer will give an end-state, which is used for construction drawings and all following works like workshop drawing will also rely on that state. In theory, the end-state could be easily realized, but in praxis there are still some difficulties.



Hao Ding: A standard stadium with a 400m long runway usually consist of an approx. 400m long tension and compression ring. For such a closed400m longcurve structure, is there an effective method to control the accuracy of its lengths and position?


Meikun (Peter) Lin:As per the pre-set rules and the procedure, a large and complex structure could be fabricated in different parts, and after the fabrication and inspection, those parts will be shipped to site for erection. As per site erection procedure, this large and complex structure will be installed piece by piece until the whole structure is completed. Therefore, it is obvious that a proper fabrication and erection procedure is one of the keys to ensure successful installation, in the meantime, to ensure fabrication and erection accuracy, a proper geometry control procedure should be best-fitted into the fabrication and erection procedure.


A rigorous geometry control system rely on the following factors:

  • 专业的人员:实操经验丰富的测量工程师,助手,测量数据后处理人员;

  • professional staffs: experienced survey engineers, assistants, survey data processing personne

  • 专业的工具:全站仪或更高精度的设备及配件,以及经纬仪、水平仪、激光垂直仪、尺、点温计等;

  • professional tools: total-station or equipment with higher precision, theodolite, auto level, laser plummet, ruler, line, point thermometer, etc

  • 专业的数据后处理方法:如钢板温度矫正,坐标系转换,数据最小二乘法拟合等;

  • professional data-processing methods: steel temperature correction, coordinate transformation, data best fit with least square principle and so on

  • 专业的文件控制:原始数据文件管理,后处理数据库,点命名规则,文件命名机制,可读性及可追溯性强的报告模板,公差文件等;

  • professional file control: management of raw data file, post-processing database, rules of point naming, rules of file naming, report templates with good readability and traceability, tolerance files, etc

  • 误差跟踪–纠偏系统:操练团队需要及时将误差反馈给加工制造团队,并给出正确的纠偏建议;

  • Error Tracking – Correction System: The errors shall be tracked and related correction strategy shall be reported to fabrication team in time

  • 更为特殊的方法就是设计出合理且可循环利用的工装来保证重要节段的制造。

  • A more specific way is to design a special jig to maintain the key geometry during fabrication of important segments.


The following are main points of doing TR and CR fabrication control, in my opinion.

1. 拉环tension ring:

  • 索或者钢拉杆的长度控制 – 需要供应商按照设计要求正确设置在公差范围内的长度

  • control oflengthof rod or cable – the supplier is required to correctly set the length according to the drawings of design.

  • 拉环节点的尺寸控制

  • control ofdimensionof details

2. 压环:单个分段的长度,连接板的三维角度(法向量),栓接孔及连接孔的孔位

Compression ring: including control of overall length of single element, 3D position of unit vector of each end plate and 3D position of bolt holes and lug holes.

▲ Al-Rayyan体育场现场施工图,图片来源:https://sc.qa/en/stadiums/al-rayyan-stadium/progress


Hao Ding: A 2D measurement system is not enough for space like a stadium that will bear forces from three dimensions, thus a 3D measurement is necessary. Is there anything to specially pay attention to?


Meikun (Peter) Lin:Before the survey, the survey team will place no less than 4 control points on the segment, and those control points form a control network for all the key features in the survey. In future survey and calculation, those control points stand for this segment. After taking all key features with the control points, the post-processing team will best fit the survey model into the design model and make a report to present the result, in the meantime, all 3D information of this segment will be organized into the survey database. It is necessary to say that the structure stiffness should be considered during control network building, the more stiffener the structure is, the more stable the control network stays.


After that the survey team only needs to survey the control points. The post-processing team will best fit the corresponding segment data from the database into new survey model so that the key features could be back solved for purpose of monitoring. This method requires the team to spend additional time collecting key feature information for different segments, but it’s all worth it when this system brings great convenience in future monitoring survey, especially in the important hidden information survey.

▲ Al-Rayyan体育场现场施工图,图片来源:https://sc.qa/en/stadiums/al-rayyan-stadium/progress


Hao Ding:Before the structure is completed, it is generally necessary to pay attention not only to the workshop but also to the site. Any tips for installing on site?


Meikun (Peter) Lin:For geometry control and correction purpose, the site team should study the documents including fabrication procedure and segment report before any erection activity. Special attention should be paid to survey control network database as it could bring great convenience.

▲ Al-Rayyan体育场现场施工图,图片来源:https://sc.qa/en/stadiums/al-rayyan-stadium/progress

丁浩:在卡塔尔Al Rayyan体育馆中压环的总长最终偏差仅为+1.3mm,精度控制通过有效的手段达到了L/400000至L/300000。可是按照中国规范,大跨结构精度控制范围往往为L/5000至L/10000。二者对比,说明通过有效的技术手段是可以实现高精度的要求。能具体谈谈在这个项目上为达到精度控制要求碰到的最大困难是什么吗?

Hao Ding: For Al Rayyan Stadium, as we just discussed that the total length error of compression ring was only +1.3mm. The accuracy can approach between L/400000 and L/300000 via a valid way.According to Chinese code the accuracy of big span structure is always required between L/5000 and L/10000. So from this project we can see that it is possible to get a very good accuracy of a structure, but the key point is to find a scientific and efficient way. Can you talk about the most challengeable thing in controlling accuracy for this project?

▲ Al-Rayyan体育场现场施工图,图片来源:https://sc.qa/en/stadiums/al-rayyan-stadium/progress


Meikun (Peter) Lin:The most challengeable thing is the machining after compression ring endplate welding.


The survey team performs post-weld survey after the compression ring endplate welding – the steel temperature data will be collected too. The post-processing team then corrected the survey mode from the actual steel temperature to design temperature, after this, the temperature corrected data will be aligned with the design model to get the machining green material and orientation angle.


A special positioning jig is designed for fast and accurate setup of machining. Use total station to roughly place the segment in front of the milling machine, after this, this segment will be precisely placed to the calculated position based on the post-weld survey data with dialgage.


The survey team will perform another survey called post-machining survey to collect the survey data after segment machining. The post-processing team will do the virtual trial assembly in a specially designed software to study the machining quality and make error accumulation report for the construction team to correct the fabrication of overall compression ring.

▲ Al-Rayyan体育场现场施工图,图片来源:https://sc.qa/en/stadiums/al-rayyan-stadium/progress


The ending shape of a building is very important for the capacity of structure. How can we scientifically, viably and effectively ensure that the ending position of key nodes of the building approaches the same place of design. We hope we’ve got some ideas from this dialogue with Mr. Lin.


At last, we would like to express our sincere thanks to Mr. Lin Meikun for taking time out of his busy schedule to accept this interview and share his valuable experience with us.


Al-Rayyan is currently still under construction, due to copyright issue we cannot share more site photos. All pictures ofAl-Rayyanstadium in this article are from the following webpage. You can also look through more information about 2022 Qatar Worldcup venues through this website.



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